Zanimivi pogovori z zanimivimi ljudmi na temo informacijske družbe, medijev in aktivnega državljanstva.
Voditelj podcasta je Domen Savič, direktor zavoda Državljan D.
Vsak mesec!
Zanimivi pogovori z zanimivimi ljudmi na temo informacijske družbe, medijev in aktivnega državljanstva.
Voditelj podcasta je Domen Savič, direktor zavoda Državljan D.
Vsak mesec!
Is AI just another Big Tech spin-off?
Kako se na internetu znajdejo mladi in kaj tam počnejo?
How did transparency usher the era of surveillance capitalism?
How do we make the big privacy re-think happen?
Kako točno vemo, da imajo nadzorne kamere dejanski pozitiven učinek?
How to debunk the misinformation on disinformation?
Kako se pogovarjamo o pogovorih o umetni inteligenci?
On the fight against disinformation and cancel culture.
How do we move ahead with digital activism and what's next for the digital EU?
Kaj lahko reši odgovoren razvoj informacijske družbe in česa ne?
Za koga so človekove pravice in kdo je proti njim?
Zakaj je seks prvovrstna politična tema in kdo ga iz spalnic prestavlja v parlament?
How do sharing economy and algorithmic transparency work together?
How to investigate data cartels and why are they becoming such a problem?
What's going on with human rights online?
Is car of the future called a bus?
What was the impact of generative AI propaganda in the case of Russian invasion of Ukraine?
What role do journalists play in surveillance capitalism?
How does one get from promoting make-up to promoting conspiracy theories?
Kaj so že pametna mesta, kakšna je domača in globalna scena in kam gre razvoj?
How much does the Internet truly remember and how much of knowledge gets lost?
How to open the algorithmic black box?
Kaj je v informacijski družbi sploh še in hkrati kaj je vse delo?
Are digital rights aimed at young digital workers, consumers or citizens?
Who is winning at the process of far right normalisation?
Can you win a war against propaganda with media literacy?
Why is the future a lot like the past?
How do we decentralize the web?
How do you develop responsible tech and services?
How did surveillance become a market category?