The S in smart city is for Surveillance.
What role do humanities play in the gordian knot of tech?
What can we do about surveillance advertising?
Hate speech is good business.
Kje smo po dveh letih pandemije in kdo je kriv za to?
Automated policing - fiction or boring dystopia?
Surveillance ad industry is everywhere. What can we do for a more privacy-orientated world?
Technology is political!
What's the role of world wide web in promotion and normalisation of hate?
Kakšen se vam zdi podcast Državljan D?
The value of work in the age of platforms is changing. For the worse.
How good are the digital giants at self-regulating user privacy and freedom of expression?
In the case of online hate, follow the ad money.
How do we save the world wide web again?
Are you a good citizen? The government already knows!
The rug really ties the room together.
A city under corporate control.
All roads lead to Palantir.
Who owns you online and what can you do about it?
The ad bubble is ready to burst. There won't be any survivors.
What can the refugee crisis tell us about the future of surveillance society?
We are living in an era of techno-utopian myths.
Surveillance solutionism is upon us. What do we do?
Why does the current coronavirus pandemic benefit the fake news producers and what can we do about it?
Kako se obraniti slabe zakonodaje, ki nažira uporabniško zasebnost?
Kitajska na področju informacijske družbe prehiteva EU in ZDA. Zakaj?
Zakaj vera v znanost upada?
Tehnologije prepoznavanja obrazov so tu! Kaj to pomeni za industrijo in kaj za družbo?
Kako je z aktivizmom v digitalni dobi?
Why should be be scared of boring tech and ignore the exciting one?