042 James Bridle and the dark new age


We sat down with James Bridle who was visiting Ljubljana to give a talk at the Aksioma gallery to talk about the evergrowing problem of technodeterminism and the way future is being predicted by the machines.

What’s the role of humanities in the information society, how do we integrate our future generations and how the myth of the neutral and objective machine came about?

We also talked about Bridle’s investigations of algorithms and the underbelly of Youtube, explored in the article “There is something wrong with the internet”.

James Bridle is an artist and writer working across technologies and disciplines. His artworks have been commissioned by galleries and institutions and exhibited worldwide and on the internet. His writing on literature, culture and networks has appeared in magazines and newspapers including Wired, Domus, Cabinet, the Atlantic, the New Statesman, the Guardian, the Observer and many others, in print and online.

He lectures regularly at conferences, universities, and other events. “New Dark Age”, his book about technology, knowledge, and the end of the future, was published by Verso (UK & US) in 2018. His work can be found at http://jamesbridle.com.

The podcast music provided by Dee Yan-Key.

Photo credit: Steve Forest, Workers’ Photos

Citizen D advice:

  • Debate the social influence of technology development
  • Doubt technology neutrality
  • Rethink technodeterministic usage of tools

More information:

  • There is something wrong on the internet – article
  • The nightmare videos of childrens’ YouTube – TED Talk
  • New Dark Age – review

About the podcast:

Podcast Citizen D gives you a reason for being a productive citizen. Citizen D features talks by experts in different fields focusing on the pressing topics in the field of information society and media. We can do it. Full steam ahead!

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