How to debunk the misinformation on disinformation?
On the fight against disinformation and cancel culture.
How do we move ahead with digital activism and what's next for the digital EU?
How do sharing economy and algorithmic transparency work together?
Is car of the future called a bus?
What was the impact of generative AI propaganda in the case of Russian invasion of Ukraine?
What role do journalists play in surveillance capitalism?
How does one get from promoting make-up to promoting conspiracy theories?
Kaj so že pametna mesta, kakšna je domača in globalna scena in kam gre razvoj?
Are digital rights aimed at young digital workers, consumers or citizens?
Everything is fake.
Zakaj je novinarstvo pomembno za demokracijo in zakaj si ti njegov ključen del?
Roboti smo mi.
What is wrong with the internet, how do we make it work again and why does the net matter.
What will it take for the digital economy to start paying attention to user personal data?
Why the current content regulation debate is going to end in tears and what can we do about it?
Kako algoritmi uničujejo vsebine in zakaj je boljše otroku v roku dati škarje kot neomejen dostop do Youtube portala?
Z ustvarjalci portala Pod črto smo debatirali o vedno bolj zaprtem svetovnemu spletu, medijski regulaciji, zlobnih posrednikih informacij in povezavi med Titanikom in regulacijo radijskih valov.
#4mediji so tedenske debate v novembru 2015 o slovenski medijski sferi. Vsak ponedeljek v novembru ob 19h v Poligonu na Tobačni.